Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Making a name for itself

I know that I've frequently mentioned Corel Painter IX in the past, but I've got to bring it up again. I'm getting very close to swearing off Photoshop for artwork. Not for the comic mind you, but for plain old artwork. I worked for months to get the right settings on Photoshop to simulate pencils the way I wanted them. This is what the PRESET pencil in Painter did for me:

That's awesome! As an added treat, here's that first drawing painted:

Friday, February 23, 2007

A Classic Color Scheme

Another Batman drawing. I have another one in the works, along with a Nightcrawler and a Superman. I'm finally on the tail end of whatever crazy illness I've had. Well, big test tomorrow, I just had to do some work on Bats here in order to relax. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Dark Knight

Well, it's been a crazy week. I've been sick for four days, and I've gotta do some catching up in my classes, but everything's going to be okay. I finally figured out how to draw Batman's cape (the bane of all of my Dark Knight sketches. So I decided to sketch it, ink it and color it. So . . . here you go:

Friday, February 9, 2007

Warrior of Darkness . . . Fighting for the Light

Well, I was going to save this until I've finished coloring it, but this semester in conjunction with planning my wedding has basically precluded me from getting ANYTHING done. So here's the pencil sketch.

I dig Spawn.