Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Familiar Pose

Here's the Nightcrawler I talked about in the last post. Not much else to say.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Okay, this one was a pure accident. Well, maybe not, but it wasn't intended to be as good as it turned out. I saw a poster of Spidey at a local pizza place and thought "I could duplicate that".

Well, I was bored at work today and happened to have my laptop.

So I did.

This was COMPLETELY done in Painter and Photoshop. No pencil/ink work to it.

I'm pleased - in fact, I'm doing another one almost identical to it with Nightcrawler.

Monday, June 4, 2007


I sat down and chatted with a few friends the other night to get ideas for my next pic. They all suggested Kurt Wagner. So here we go!

I'm getting better at painting starfields and planets and such. :-)
