Friday, May 4, 2007

A return to the basics

Well, two finals down, two to go.

Also, only 8 days until I'm no longer single!

Anywho, on to the actual post. I recently purchased a couple of bristol boards (best paper ever!) in order to do the work for the actual Requiem for Innocence comic strip (which will return from its hiatus as soon as I get married), and I happened to purchase a new technical pen and a brush. I've never inked with a brush before.

I like it!

I can see why the greats still do all their work on paper. Coloring is great on the computer, but nothing beats a steady hand and a healthy supply of India Ink.

Here's the first piece I did. I've got another Superman in the works and then I need to kinda refresh after all these heroes. Might try another mythology piece.

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