Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I think I'm in love . . .

Okay, so I got a copy of Corel Painter IX, and I've been playing around with it. This is a really powerful program, and if you're in the field of digital art, I would suggest taking the time to learn this program. It mimics paint accurately and beautifully.

Anyway, I started thinking and realized that since Photoshop has been giving me a hard time mimicking ink, I should try inking a comic frame/character on Painter. After all, most inkers use brush and ink.

So I did . . .

I've gotta say, I'm impressed. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not about to get rid of all my sketchpads, and I still say art on paper is the way to go, but for the purposes of creating a weekly webcomic, I'm thinking of moving to pure digital. Photoshop for pencils, Painter for inks, and back to Photoshop for color.

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