Sunday, December 24, 2006

Feliz Navidad!

Hey, Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Just thought I'd drop a line and show you guys the colored Minotaur. This is the photoshop version. I'm gonna paint the same picture in painter to see which I like better. It should be interesting to say the least.


1 comment:

morgul said...

Hot crap, man! I _love_ that. There's a few nit picky cleanup things I'd have requested if it were going up as a comic strip, but I only counted like 3 or 4 of them. Still, even with the minor things I'd want to nitpick, the artwork is great, and I am _very_ excited about where the strip is going. (Btw, I'm feeling very little inclination to do any more inking; I think that it would ruin the artwork's style.)